WhatsApp Image 2022-10-01 at 11.46.11 (3)

Coffee Morning

At our weekly Friday coffee (or tea) mornings we like to meet up, chat and make each other feel good. The caring, sharing and laughs come thick and fast. We decided this time to introduce some arts and crafts into the event which went down a storm. Once again, lots to learn from each other.

Southend Day Trip

Day trip to Southend

With the support of the Lottery Community Fund, we hosted a trip to Southend-on-Sea on the 28th of August 2022, allowing many children and families to enjoy the beach and Adventure Island Theme Park. It was an amazing turnout of 80 people! During the trip, everyone enjoyed the summer vibes and spent time eating and relaxing while some chose to live life on the edge and chase the thrills Southend had to offer. 


Our participants expressed how glad they were to be included in this experience and how it was “an amazing escape from daily stresses”. During our interview, one of the kids told us that she “had fun” but couldn’t ride all the rides, so she “Can’t wait until next time”. 


We’re excited to provide everyone with the opportunity to experience such joys again next year after the trip went so well and everyone seems enthusiastic about repeating the experience!