Digital Inclusion Course

Our Digital Inclusion course is designed to give you the skills you need to get the most out of your computer and give you the ability to use computers at work confidently.

Attendees who complete the course will receive a certificate of competence on completion.

The courses are held every Saturday from 1-3pm from 9th November 2024 to 8th February 2025 at:

The Plus Centre
Memorial Community Church
Plaistow E13 8AL

Basic Introduction to Computers

This course is for people who have never touched a computer. We will be looking at:


·     The physical parts of a computer (CPU, keyboard, monitor, mouse, etc.) and how they work

·         Navigating the Windows desktop

·         File and folder management, libraries, Windows Explorer

·         Using programs

·         Connecting to networks and the internet


Topic Outline: 12 week Course Outline

 1)      Introduction to Computers

·         Why are we here?

·         What is a computer?

·        Why do we use a computer?


2)      Getting Started

·         A look inside

·         Terminology

·         Types of computers

·         The parts of a computer

·         The keyboard and mouse

3)      Windows 10 Operating System

·         Desktop




·         date and time

·         background

·         Personalizing the desktop

 4)      Windows Explorer

·         Parts of a Window

       Back/forward buttons

      –       address bar

       search box

       toolbar/command bar

       menu bar

       sizing buttons

       navigation pane


       moving a window

       snap feature

·         Working with libraries

5)      Files and Programs

·         Opening files or programs

·         Saving your work

·         Closing a program

·         Help features

 6)      Creating and Managing Folders

·         Creating folders

·         Moving folders

·         Renaming folders

·         Deleting folders

 7)      Peripheral Devices

·         What are peripheral devices?

·         Managing peripheral devices

·         Ports and plugins

 8)      Networks

·         What is a network?

·         What is a server?

·         Why are networks useful?

 9)      Internet Basics

·         Common terms

·         The world wide web

·         How to access the internet

 10)  Email Basics

·         Why use email?

·         Email addresses

·         Email providers

11)  Website Navigation

·         Using Website to Make Applications

·         Newham Council Website  

12)  Computer Maintenance & Security

·         Cleaning your hardware

·         Disk Clean Up and disk defragmenter

·         Backups

·         Security & Virus Protection


Remember, this course is for you. If there is anything else you want to know about, please ask!


Course Tutor :                 Ranie Goolcharan MSc,DipFD, MIFSM, TechIOSH, Nebosh Fire, Nebosh H&S, P405, A1


Location :                           Memorial Community Church 395 Barking Rd, London E13 8AL


  Program Dates :              12 Week Program [Nov 2024 – Jan 2025]






[5 classes]

9th, 16th, 23 rd,30th 

(16.11.24 – extra class @ 4-6pm)

13:00 – 15:00 hrs

16:00 – 18:00 hrs



[3 classes]


7th, 14th, 21st

13:00 – 15:00 hrs



[4 classes]


4th, 11th, 18th, 25th

13:00 – 15:00 hrs